Initial Consultation
Your Initial Consultation appointment with Dr. Darrell Misak, ND, RPh consists of the following:
- New Patient Consultation which includes an 18 Parameter Urine/Saliva screening, vital sign recording, a physical exam, a homeopathic review and remedy considerations, and initial product and therapy recommendations, and one or both of the following:
- Live Blood Microscopy (LBM)
- Food & Chemical Sensitivity Screening (EAV)

This appointment is 3-4 hours in length to allow for a complete and thorough understanding of your health state and health goals.
After scheduling your appointment online, you will receive an appointment confirmation email. Please check your spam and/or junk mail folders if this email is not in your Inbox. This email will contain 1) instructions about how to prepare for your visit and 2) instructions on where to find the required intake forms that will need to be completed prior to your consultation with Dr. Misak. Please review these instructions carefully since there are protocols that must be followed to prepare for your visit.
An Initial Consultation and adjustment to a naturopathic lifestyle is the beginning and first steps toward life-long health and vitality.
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Colon Hydrotherapy

To optimize the processes described in Phase IV of the 5 Phase Optimal Health Program©, our clinic utilizes various "detoxification" based therapies. To primarily mobilize toxins from storage sites within the body and begin elimination through the skin, we incorporate the benefits found in Far-Infrared Sauna therapy and Ionic Foot Baths. To increase systemic excretion and elimination of stored toxins through the intestines, we encourage periodic colon cleansing kits for small bowel cleansing.
Colon hydrotherapy is a clean and relaxing procedure where a soothing flow of warm water is instilled gently into the colon through a nozzle (rectal tube) to cleanse (evacuate) the contents of the lower colon. During the administration of the colonic irrigation, the colon hydrotherapy equipment is designed to allow evacuation of the contents of the colon while the pressure, temperature, and flow of water can all be regulated for optimal comfort and results.
At Pittsburgh Alternative Health, Inc., we use "state of the art" FDA Registered (Class II) medical device colon hydrotherapy equipment known as the LIBBE.
The LIBBE (Lower Intestine Bottom Bowel Evacuation System) is considered by some to be the most advanced colon hydrotherapy system in the world which has several positive features including:
- Therapist Controlled or Self-Operated
- Automatic Temperature Shutoff
- Ultra-Violet Water Filtration System
- Sterile-Disposable Rectal Tubes - "Size of a No 2 Pencil"
- Odorless Vent System
- Clear View Tube and Flusher Jet
- Quartz LCD Timer
- Very Comfortable and Easy To Use
- No Leaks or Blowouts
- Dignity and Modesty Maintained
- Therapists are Available to Instruct and Assist You Only When Needed
The LIBBE is considered "open system" colon hydrotherapy equipment. What is the benefit of open system? In an open colon hydrotherapy session the cleanse is relaxing, safe, comfortable, and private, allowing client to be in control. On an open system, the rectal tube is only the approximate size of a No. 2 pencil. Upon initiating the treatment, your large intestines will gently fill up with warm water, and when you feel the urge or need to evacuate you simply push out as if initiating a bowel movement. The rectal tube will stay inserted and whatever needs to pass from the colon will pass around the tube and down the drain and through a visible clear tube so you can see the results.
Two key reasons we chose the LIBBE system as our premier colon hydrotherapy equipment are:
- Your privacy and personal hygiene are maintained at all times, since the specially designed bed allows you to easily insert the "pencil thin" lubricated rectal tube by yourself. Many people find this reassuring and comforting.
- Clients that have experienced the LIBBE report that colonic irrigation using the open system is not uncomfortable at all. Because there is continuous inflow of water during the procedure, the LIBBE supports a more natural and gentle evacuation, and is suggested to enhance and stimulate peristalsis (action of the muscles of the colon), thus providing for an excellent workout for the colon.
Additionally, the LIBBE is FDA regulated as a Class II Medical Device. This FDA regulation and classification as a medical device intended for colon hydrotherapy when medically indicated, such as before radiological or endoscopic examinations, provides us with the government security of quality with a purpose.
What To Expect During An Initial Colon Hydrotherapy Session?
After greetings and completion of initial paperwork, patients are introduced and oriented to the colon hydrotherapy room and procedures. At this time we will also discuss what you hope to accomplish through colon hydrotherapy. Next, you privately undress from the waist down, properly drape yourself, and then ring a bell to notify the therapist to return to the room. The therapist will instruct you how to correctly and comfortably position yourself on the LIBBE table and gently slide down and insert the "pencil sized" nozzle (rectal tube). If uncomfortable with self-insertion after explanation, the therapist is available as needed. The LIBBE rectal tube and/or nozzle are single use tubes that are properly disposed of after use.
After comfort is ensured, warm, temperature controlled water that has passed through a water purification and ultra violet light sanitizer, begins to pass through the rectal tube to gently begin to fill the large colon. The water is allowed to run until you feel the need to begin evacuation, at which time you simply "bear down" and fecal matter and colon contents release naturally and flow through a clear viewing tube to observe results. Water temperatures are at a safely maintained between 98F - 104F and can be adjusted based on patient comfort and therapist desired treatment goals. A series of fill and evacuations are performed to complete the session.
During the session, the client is instructed on massage, meditation, or other techniques to maximize their cleansing experience. The addition of therapeutic herbs, minerals or replacement colonic flora can be added as part of the therapeutic treatment plan for an additional expense. A trained colon hydrotherapist is always nearby to monitor and provide assistance and comfort as needed.
At session completion, the client is instructed to cleanse themselves using a hand held sprayer to rinse and clean prior to leaving the room. They are also instructed to remove and dispose of all tubing to aide in cleanliness. A general session lasts 45-50 minutes with the client's modesty protected at all times.
After each session, a bathroom is conveniently attached to the treatment room if further evacuation is required The LIBBE is then easily cleaned and disinfected by the therapist to prepare for next client.
How Often Should I Have Colon Hydrotherapy?
In general, we leave it up to the patient as they become more self-aware of their body. However, for optimum results it is recommended to do a series of about ten to twelve sessions. We recommend two sessions the first week, two the second week, then once a week thereafter for a minimum of four to six sessions. A maintenance plan is recommended after series of colonics is completed.
Maintenance requirements vary on an individual basis and have several factors (diet, exercise, personal toxin exposures, etc.) that affect each patient's need to cleanse. For some people it may be at the change of seasons or once per month, others may require several throughout the year or each time they are not feeling well. I recommend learning to understand and listen to your body.
After experiencing the benefits of detoxification and health restoration, you will have a desire to maintain and/or continue to improve your health and well-being through the techniques outlined in the 5 Phase Optimal Health Program©. Trying colon hydrotherapy may serve as your best avenue for health.
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EAV Screening
Back in the late 1940's, Dr. Reinholt Voll, MD began an investigation of the effects of electricity on the human physiology. In his studies, Dr. Voll used a technique known as Impedance or OHM metering. In simple terms, some materials are very electrically conductive, for example metals like steel and copper - electricity flows very easily through metals and therefore there is no substantial resistance on the electricity flowing through the metal. Other materials are not conductive, for example wood or rubber, and since these materials are not conductive, their resistance to electrical current is very high. An OHM meter measures electrical resistance (impedance), and it is also capable of measuring conductance since the inverse of resistance (1/resistivity approximately), is conductance.
Dr. Voll found that if he tested the electrical conductance on any general area of the human body, there was a fairly high level of electrical resistance. This is a curious point since we know that the body has a large volume of electrically conductive fluids within it. But, the skin is very resistant by its nature to electrical current. Dr. Voll also found that at certain specific locations on the body the electrical flow is much more conductive, and these points were generally found to correspond with Eastern Medical Acupuncture points. Therefore, you can use an impedance or OHM meter to test the acupuncture points for an electrical balance. This is somewhat simplistic, but it does describe the basic process of EAV.
EAV Testing indirectly measures the "Energetic System" of the body. It does not measure the physiology, the biochemistry, or the pathology components of the human body. However, the “Energetic System” is related to these components, from the standpoint of quantum physics, and can help identify imbalances and guide therapy to restore balance.
EAV screening for food/chemical reactivity is part of the recommended initial consultation with Darrell Misak, ND, RPh. Basically the EAV equipment is used to identify balanced electrical points, which are then stressed with electrical frequencies that have been identified for food/chemicals and other environmental substances. When the measured impedance changes, particularly becoming weakened with the introduction of these frequencies, it is suggestive of a stress related response. It is then encouraged to avoid or modify these reactive substances in your personal environment as a basis of reducing your total body stress load and thus encourage health restoration.
Live Blood Microscopy and
Homeostatic Systems Analysis

At Pittsburgh Alternative Health, Inc., our mission is "Seeking Truth in and Through Natural Health." Part of our goal in reaching this mission is "to seek and discover understanding of optimal methods of disease detection and supportive approaches to restore health."
We believe our clinic's introduction of Live Blood Microscopy and homeostatic systems analysis has moved us to the forefront of reaching our goals. Why do we say this?
In the Bible, Leviticus 17:11,14 tells us that "the life of every creature is in the blood." Live Blood Microscopy gives us a picture into your health by observing blood elements, and asking the question what processes led to the findings. Then using that information, we combine it with information gained from a simple urine/saliva chemistry analysis, body vital signs, and symptom picture consistent with findings to develop a specific supportive approach.
Homeostasis is the ability of cells and organisms to maintain balance by adjusting physiologic processes to be as healthy as possible given the environment they are in to survive.
There are basic homeostatic mechanisms that control the body's ability to respond and function. These mechanisms include Autonomic Nervous System, Cell Membrane Fatty Acid Balance, Electrolyte Balance, Metabolic Types, and Acid/Alkaline Balance. These systems affect each other and in many ways interact and attempt to balance out one's system to be as healthy as possible.
Our goal is to understand, then use that understanding in making decisions that balance and support your body's God given ability to heal.
This is not a form of diagnosis with an assigned treatment. Live Blood Microscopy and Homeostatic Systems Analysis is an analytical view of health used to educate about understood mechanisms that affect health. Once gained, this information can be used to make informed decisions about health direction, and encourage your choice to change your health.
Far-Infrared Sauna Therapy

Our clinic routinely recommends the use of Far-Infrared (FIR) Sauna therapy as a method to support systemic detoxification of our body's toxic burdens. Far-Infrared sauna is a powerful tool to aid in the mobilization and elimination of toxic burdens through sweating. In addition to FIR sauna we provide our patients with focused nutritional/herbal and supportive therapy(s) to bind and support elimination of identified potential toxic burdens during the Initial Evaluation with Dr. Misak.
Infrared energy is a form of ionizing rays or wavelengths on the light spectrum not visible to the human eye. Our body’s tissues normally produce infrared energy for use by the body in a number of healing processes. Far-infrared (FIR) energy can penetrate beyond skin level and is absorbed efficiently, whereas visible light mostly bounces off the skin surface. Additionally, far-infrared can penetrate skin up to 2 inches whereas near-infrared is mostly absorbed at skin level resulting in raising the skin temperature.
Once the far-infrared rays penetrate the skin, they excite the vibrational energy of molecules and resonate with cellular frequencies. Tissues selectively absorb these rays and the water in the cell reacts in a process called “resonant absorption.” This resonant absorption occurs when the FIR frequency matches the frequency of the water in the cell causing toxins to be dropped off into the blood stream and excreted in sweat, feces, and urine. This in turn promotes bioprocesses such as increased metabolism, circulation, and can raise the body core temperature.
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Ionic Foot Baths

Our clinic has taken the approach that as you change your body’s cellular toxin load, your body slowly restores health on its own as the total body stress burden becomes manageable. To support this approach we have combined Far-Infrared Sauna therapy with Ionic Foot baths to capitalize on the combined effects of these two detoxification supportive therapies (i.e. mobilization and attractive elimination).
The ionic foot bath uses a patented metallic electrode array system where AC electricity is converted to low power DC electricity as it sits in the foot bath. The electricity and the metal combine to split the water molecule into H+ and OH- ions, through a process called hydrolysis. These active ions travel through the body, neutralize oppositely charged particles and through a concentration generated osmotic pressure the neutralized particles are attracted out of the body through whatever skin surface is in contact with the water. The process is painless and takes 30 minutes plus clean-up time.
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Mild Hyperbaric Therapy (mHBT)

At Pittsburgh Alternative Health, Inc. our goals include supporting optimal health on a cellular level through modifying your living environment to change your internal chemistry health. Sounds complicated, but one means of supporting cellular health is an oxygen rich environment. To create an oxygen rich environment Pittsburgh Alternative Health, Inc. is excited to offer this new therapy to the Pittsburgh area.
What is Mild Hyperbaric Therapy?
Mild Hyperbaric Therapy (mHBT) is a natural therapy to expose an individual to increased atmospheric pressure within an inflatable chamber resulting in increased available oxygen on a cellular level. mHBT is a safe and effective method of delivering more oxygen to the body and is recognized for the treatment of altitude sickness as approved by the FDA.Altitude sickness is due to the natural laws of pressure, where at higher elevations the barometric pressure is lower and the lower pressure decreases the oxygenation of blood, which is known as anoxia.
Anoxia is caused by the low barometric pressure at high altitudes pushing the oxygen in the air we breathe with less force against the walls of the inside of our lungs. The decreased force in pressure leads to less oxygen getting into our blood, even when the concentration of oxygen in the air is the same. This phenomenon is explained by Dalton's Law of Physics, where the total pressure of a gas mixture (Oxygen in air outside and inside the lungs) is the sum of the pressures of each of the gases leading to what is driven into the blood. Mild Hyperbaric Therapy is based on Henry's Law of Physics, which shows that when a gas (Oxygen) and liquid (blood) interact together, the amount of gas that dissolves in the liquid is proportional to the pressure applied against their interaction. In other words, Henry's Law helps predict how much Oxygen will dissolve in your blood when you control the pressure through hyperbaric therapy.
For example, at sea level the amount of Oxygen being delivered to your blood is 1 atmosphere of pressure X 760mmHg (pressure at sea level) X 21 (% of Oxygen in air we breathe). This calculates to 1 X 760 X 0.21 = 157mmHg. During mHBT the pressure is increased to 1.3 atmospheres and the oxygen will concentrate to 24%, which calculates to 1.3 X 760mmHg X 0.24 = 237mmHg, a 51% increase in blood oxygen availability (237mmHg - 157mmHg = 80mmHg increase/157mmHg (normal available oxygen) X 100% = 50.96%).
Please understand that the FDA gives clearance of a device for a specific use after they have reviewed what they consider valid scientific evidence supporting that use. At this time the FDA has determined that mHBT devices are safe and effective as a legally U.S.-marketed device. At Pittsburgh Alternative Health, Inc. we believe in the use of valid science to verify health benefits of a device or substance, and based on the potential benefits and safety of increased oxygen states we are excited to bring mHBT to the Pittsburgh area and support research in this field.
mHBT sessions are 1 hour in time and begin when the chamber is fully pressurized. Initial session requires intake forms and short consultation to ensure safety and provide understanding of therapy.
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Phone Consultation
Give us a call to schedule your phone consultation with Dr Misak.
BioMat Relaxation Therapy

Experience our new relaxation therapy on BioMat™ using a combination of far-infrared rays, negative ion production, and amethyst crystal channels as a conductive medium to optimize positive health effects. Enjoy either a 30 or 45 minute session to promote possible effects of:
- improved circulation
- detox
- relaxation
- weight loss
- tissue repair
- nervous tension
- immune stimulation
- and mood enhancement